Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Natural Hair Striping Shampoo

 As many of you know my hair has been bright purple for a few months now. I have an upcoming hair appointment and i need to have my current purple faded so i dont have to bleach it again. I really dislike bleach in all forms. So I did some research and put this together.

The shampoo is made from all natural ingredients and has no harsh chemicals in it. Since I made this myself i know exactly what i am using, therefor no hidden ingredients. I used Lemon oil for its lightening abilities and coconut oil to nourish my hair while its washing. No smelly aromas to fill the bathroom this time. Here is how i did it.

1 Cup Castile Soap (Unscented)
1/8th Cup coconut oil ( Melted, but not hot)
2 TBSP Jojoba oil
1 TBSP Vegetable Glycerin 
10 Drops Lemon Essential Oil

I specifically went with Lemon due to the over whelming conclusion that Lemon is great for lightening hair. I only use Young Living due to their seed to seal and the guarantee of their products being 100% pure!

This is after ONE wash. You wouldn't believe the amount of color that came out in the suds and bottom of the shower. It is noticeably 2/3 shades lighter with only one wash. I only let it sit for a few minutes to. One more thing your going to love about this is how soft your hair is after you dry it. It feels better then it did before i washed it. I cant stop running my fingers threw it. Also I did wash with a little pure  Soap after to get a little of the coconut oil oil so it wasn't so oily. 

If your looking for a fast efficient way to strip your color or just lighten your natural hair give this a try and i know you wont be disappointed.  

Like my article? Want oils for yourself with a 24% discount? Contact me today and let me help you get started on your natural living health and wellness journey.

Anna Wade
Young Living Essential Oils
Team: A Fresh Perspective  
Member ID 2488845

Contact Email: Annamichelle10@yahoo.com

Essential oil Body Wash

If you read my last blog you already know my standing on toxic chemical laden products. 
You also already know i have a deep love for essential oils and all the things they can do. This is where i get into my DIY products. Having a 3 year old with sensitive skin makes it extremely hard to find a soap that she agrees with. So i ventured into the big world of  DIY with my Essential oils.Did you know yu can use Essential oils to replace all toxic chemical products in your home?  I wont get into all of that now, but i will tell you about my latest creation. Body wash, but not just regular run of the mill wash.  This blend is creamy, luxurious and you would have sworn you spent big bucks on it. 

My recipe makes about 2 1/2 -10 OZ jars of  wash.  The blend is specially created to sooth dry skin and leave you feeling like you just walked out of a spa.  Bella begs to use this soap and wants her special Gentle Baby blend.  My personal favorite is Grapefruit and Peppermint, Joey prefers Thieves strait out. One of the best things about do it yourself products, you customize your scents and you can make anything you want. You can also customize for relaxing aromas, energizing aromas, seasonal comfort blends. Need to wake up? Try using Lemon oil. Occasional stress? Give Stressaway a try! Want some extra skin support? Throw some Frankincense in there.  I could really go on for day. Yes, i mean that to the fullest extent. Days. 

The great thing about this body wash is that it is extremely creamy and lathers up really nice as you can see from the picture above and below. It created a nice bubble and you know your really getting clean. The aroma always fills the entire bathroom, and ours is pretty large in the master bath. This soap can be used all over though.  I even wash Bella's hair with it and her hair has never been softer! She really likes the Lemon / Lavender blend for her shampoo. ( I will list a few blend recipes at the bottom ;) ) I haven't bought soap from a store in months and I probably never will again. Not to mention the money we save not having to buy natural soaps from the store or ordering them online.
Now for the part you have all been waiting for. 
The Recipe!!! 
Essential Oil Natural Body Wash
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil - Melted, but not hot.
  • 1/4 Cup Grapeseed oil
  • 2 Cup castille soap – I used Dr. Bronner’s unscented Baby-Mild castille soap
  • 2 teaspoons vegetable glycerin
  • 3 teaspoons  jojoba oil or sweet almond oil
  • 10 – 20 drops Young Living Lavender essential oil

Combine the Castile soap with the oils, you may need a funnel for this part.
Next add the Jojoba oil, vegetable glycerin, grapeseed oil and coconut oil, give it a gentle shake. 
Last add in your oils. 
If you choose a single oil like Lavender, or Peppermint. just add it in. Start with 10, give it a shake then smell and make sure it isn't to strong for you, then continue to add more based on your preference. 
If you choose a blend like Grapefruit and Peppermint ( my personal favorite )
I like to do 10 drops peppermint and 4-5 drops grapefruit since grapefruit is a citrus and it has a very strong smell i used a little less of that one. You really just have to play with what you like. For beginners though, i would suggest using a single oil until you know about the dilution of oil and learn more about what you like. Young living also offers pre-blended oils such as Stressaway and  Thieves oil. I love me some Stressaway oil!!! I wear it as perfume. 

Did i mention these ingredients are items i use daily in my home so it really isn't costing me anything extra. Frugal and natural, it really is possible.  You can always buy in bulk from placed like Amazon. For a body wash this nice you would pay about $15/$20 for in the store. Believe  me i have have searched and nothing soothes my dry skin like this blend of nourishing carrier  oils and soap. The nice thing about this soap though is that even for oily skin it is amazing. I use it to also wash my face. It takes makeup off like no other soap that i have found. I previously used Satin Facial Scrub From Young Living but it had been out of stock for some time and i needed a replacement fast. So i gave this a try since it seemed to work everywhere else. BAMB!! We had a winner. It took off Day long 3D FiberLashes from Younique and all of the base and eyemakeup that i had on also. The peppermint from my body wash blend also left my skin feeling cool and refreshed. 

Like my article? Want oils for yourself with a 24% discount? Contact me today and let me help you get started on your natural living health and wellness journey.

Anna Wade
Young Living Essential Oils
Team: A Fresh Perspective  
Member ID 2488845

My shop:

Contact Email: Annamichelle10@yahoo.com

Oil Blend Recipes That I Use:
I strictly use Young Living Oils. I only trust their Seed to Seal Standard with my family. 

(Extra Clean/ Face Wash)
10/15 drops peppermint
5/7 drop Grapefruit

10/13 drops Lavender
4 drops cedarwood
4 drops Lime

(Spa Aroma)
10/12 drops Peppermint
5/7 Drops Lavender 

(Fall is here)
10/15 drops Orange
5 drops Thieves

5 Drops Lime
5/7 Drops Grapefruit
7 Drops Tangerine
5/7 drops Spearmint 

(Bellas Shampoo Blend)
7 Drops Lavender
8 drops Lemon

These are just a few that i have come up with and use in my home. We love how versatile these Essential oils are and how we have replaced all harmful chemicals in our home with natural effective products that really get the job done and have made a difference in our lives. 

DIY Essential Oil Bubble Bath

I am what you may call a modern hippie. I truly believe that if we get back to the natural way of living we would be alot better off. Most products you find now days have multiple toxic chemicals and fake fragrances that get into your blood stream and ultimately that effects your health. 
Now, I didn't always live this way. We use to buy Johnson and Johnson soaps and gain laundry detergent ect.... We never really knew the difference. Then I had my daughter in 2012. When she was about 3 months old and got into regular baths we noticed she had little rashes all over her that lasted for months. Doctors tested and tested and all they could find was an allergie to certain chemicals. So the research began, what we found was astounding. 
Not only did the soaps and bubble baths we were using contain harmful chemicals that made up the solution, but the fake fragrances also posed a health risk. The information I started to take in opened my eyes. Everything we used had toxic chemicals and had side effects we had just never connected the two.  Our household cleaners, shampoos, soaps, laundry detergent, carpet fresh. The list continued to grow! So I took action and found ways to make my own products. When you do it yourself not only do you know what is in it, but you can customize your ingredients based on your needs. So after hours on Pinterest I found a few recipes to go with and it all pointed me to essential oils. I am very specific on the brand I use for a reason now. (That is another story for another post coming soon) Anyway, that adventure lead me to Young Living and their Seed to Seal standard. Once I found out how simple and cost effective it was to make my own I never looked back. 
I've made several versions of this Bubble Bath since my first go around. Originally I made it to give me some Respiratory support during the season change with my Spearmint and Eucalyptus oils. Talk about being able to breath again! The aroma fills the whole bathroom for a very spa like experience. 
I recommend this for any mom who wants to just kick back and let it all go! Maybe even add a drop of Lavender for extra calming support.

Bubble Bath Recipe
3/4 cup Castile Soap (Unscented-Mild)
1/2-1/4 cup Vegetable Glycerin 
10/15 drops Young Living Essential Oil (check below for where to buy)
2 TBSP Filtered Water
8oz glass container
1. Mix Castile Soap and Vegetable Glycerin. 
2. Add the essential oils. You can add more if you like I just like to make mine mild for my daughter. 
3. Put the lid on and gently shake!
Use about 1/4 to 1/2 cup for a medium sized bath. 

A quick video to show the bubbles starting to produce. 
This is the one I specifically made for Bella, my  3 year old daughter. It is called Gentle Baby, this is a  blend. It is offered by Young Living to calm moms and baby's both. It smells just like a new born baby. I love it but have to talk my ovaries down when we use it! Lol!!! Now this recipe will give you nice big bubble, although they don't last quite as long as store bought, but it allows you to have faith knowing its toxic chemical free. No more bathing in yucky chemical soup!

Like my article? Want oils for yourself with a 24% discount? Contact me today and let me help you get started on your natural living health and wellness journey.

Anna Wade
Young Living Essential Oils
Team: A Fresh Perspective  
Member ID 2488845

My shop:

Email: Annamichelle10@yahoo.com